Sofia’s Artwork

Sofia’s collection of art & paintings

Artwork Store

My Bachelor’s Degree is in Art History and Studio Art graduated in 2004 at Georgian Court University in New Jersey. My artworks were featured in magazines of GCU. In addition, my artworks were displayed in many art galleries in New Jersey, Florida, and Alabama. Moving from New Jersey to Florida in the middle of 2004, I opened a Nonprofit Organization, the Bonifay Guild for the Arts, Inc. a 501 C3. I had more than 89 members.

In this organization that I put together, it became my hands on study while I was taking my master’s degree in human resource management at University of Phoenix and continuing my PhD at Capella University majored in Management and Leadership in Human Services.  As an owner and founder of an organization, I became a speaker within my organization with more than 89 members, and I have been invited to do speaking engagement in many events.

Sofia offers her artwork here for sale here in this store to the public. Click on each painting below to find out more details and to purchase.